

Invitame un café en

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2018

Acid Rain

In bad dreams
In a cool world
Full of cruel things
Hang tight
All you
Nothing like a big bad bridge
To go burning through

What have the artists said about the song?

An interview with StyleNoir:
JJ: Behind the beats and the music one can really tell there is a unsettling, macabre nature behind the sounds you produce, was there ever a catalyst for this?
LORN: I grew up surrounded by alcohol and drug addiction, no father, tossed around between family members. I was taught I was a piece of shit by racists in Arkansas. My older brother cut my middle finger off with an ice skate, beat the shit out of me, and later threatened to shoot me in the head with his glock.
I moved around a lot, went to three different schools, always restarting as a stranger. I learned to hate cops fast, spent a year on probation after being arrested for graffiti. Sucked at school, could never and still can never concentrate too well, nearly failed high school had it not been for some art awards I won. At 19 I was institutionalized against my will, met people who hadn’t been outside for 15 years because they weren’t allowed…met the same people for the first time again and again every morning who forgot everything because of their shock treatments…eventually got myself out. After that shit I quit school, took acid as I mentioned earlier and put everything I had left on the line into music and here we are."

domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2018


Every love story has a beginning and an ending...
and this may be the ending of this one last adventure

He kinda shoulda sorta woulda loved her if he could've.
The story's getting closer to the end.
He kinda shoulda sorta woulda loved her if he could've.
He'd rather be alone than pretend.

She just wanted him to love her but he didn't.
He took to the woods and wandered in it.
Walked along and on until they couldn't.
Stole himself to tell her that he wouldn't.

viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

- she's got everything -

A laugh that makes me smile
A touch that puts my heart to rest
Something in her eyes
And I already bought the diamond ring
She's got everything

She's not the kind of girl
who wants the finer things
Doesn't want a closet full of fancy clothes
Doesn't need a pile of ribbons and bows

But I want her to know how much
she means to me
I hope that she won't be upset
It's not like I would ever forget
But what am I supposed to get for the girl
who's got everything?

The moon, the stars and sky
A touch that puts my heart to rest
Something in her eyes
And I've got everything she'll ever need
She's got everything

domingo, 22 de abril de 2018

I love U


sábado, 7 de abril de 2018

Aruarian Life

Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin and they end with no lasting memory made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life.

Girl: Have I seen you before?
Boy: Me? I don't think so.

Girl: Do you ever go to Angelus Plaza?
Boy: Yes. That's, like, my favorite spot in the city.
Girl: Yeah. Okay, except for the parking lots, but...
Boy: Yeah. I agree.

Girl: Yeah, yeah. I think I've seen you there.
Boy: Really?
Girl: Yeah.
Boy: I haven't seen you.
Girl: You must not have been looking...

martes, 20 de marzo de 2018


Bureaucracy and hypocrisy are contagious and make us all victims eventually. You can take my life from me, but we will do it all again. The seeds of truth will grow. The people will know of the visions that we have endeavored to show. And like the river we will flow, we will do it all again.

Faceless men who represent no idea or purpose intend to prevent revolution though revolution, but we could do it all again. Even when I die, I hope you won't cry, for my life has been happily spent in the struggle... and I love you so I would do it all again.

sábado, 17 de febrero de 2018


On October 19, the Pan-STARRS 1 survey telescope in Hawaii captured a faint streak of light during its nightly search for asteroids and comets. Astronomer Rob Weryk realised it had a trajectory unlike anything seen before, and follow-up data taken over the next few nights confirmed it had come from outside our solar system. Humanity had identified its first alien visitor from another star.

Its unusual elongated shape has even prompted some to question whether it might have been created artificially by an alien civilisation.
But my colleagues and I have now discovered that while it appears to be an unusually long rocky asteroid it may actually be an icy body covered in a protective crust of organic chemicals.


viernes, 5 de enero de 2018

Cybervaciamiento Social

La existencia de las redes sociales de internet como una herramienta para facilitar y mejorar la comunicación entre las personas parece sonar ideal, pero termina teniendo un efecto totalmente opuesto.

Pareciera que la consigna fuese hacer publica la vida de uno o al menos los sucesos relevantes en la vida de uno para que otros (amigos, familiares o desconocidos) lo vean (si es que llega a suceder). La falta de necesidad de mantener un trato cotidiano con otros, una conversación 1 a 1 o simplemente la necesidad de comunicarse para saber algo de quienes, de una forma u otra, nos interesa, termina volviendose prescindible.

Cuantas veces habré escuchado el "hace mucho no se nada de vos", "leí que lo publicaste" o a veces hasta criticas "en chiste" sobre eventos adversos que a uno le pasan y comparte, en vez de un comentario de interés sobre nuestro bienestar... lamentablemente muchas veces no se tiene con quien compartir muchas cosas como confidencia, pues las redes sociales nos quitaron el hábito de la confidencia y de la comunicación.

Nuestras vidas tienen que ser de dominio público - estar a disposición de todos, por más que a muchos ní les interese siquiera.
Consiste en tener seguidores, en vender con nuestra imagen o vender una idealización de algo, lo que sea (arte, sexualidad, comercial, etc). Y lamentablemente si no se quiere ser parte de eso, se lo deja aislado, obsoleto - no pertenece.

Creo que de allí nace esa necesidad de pertenencia, afectiva, de aceptación por parte de terceros, que seguramente muchos hemos experimentado y que termina muchas veces golpeando bajo. El dominio público termina eligiendo por nostros y SOBRE nostros: "que está bien", "que está mal", "que es aceptable y que no", "como deberiamos ser y dejar de ser", "que música/arte/politica/color/religión/suceso es bueno y cual malo"...

Sinceramente prefiero no pertenecer a una subcultura donde los principios básicos son el aprovechamiento de la imagen y opinión real de cada uno (y muchas veces incluso de otros) para ganar la aceptación de personas (que ni me interesa me acepten) o manipular para conveniencia de pocos.

Quiero que se me valore por quien soy, por lo que hago, digo, pienso y se. No me interesa agradarle a nadie "porque sí" sin que siquiers sepa nada de mi, ni le interese saber mas al respecto. Mucho menos que mi opinión se menosprecie y tergiverse para reforzar las palabras de otros.

No me interesa que alguien quien ni me conoce haga un abuso de mi identidad, que durante mucho tiempo me llevó crear y costó adaptar como propia. Es muy un simple hacer "copy, paste", solo para tener mas "seguidores" y llevarse el credito sin ningún reconocimiento del esfuerzo ajeno. No me interesa valorar a algo o alguien que desvalorice quien soy ni lo que represento.

Somos una cultura de predación en todos los aspectos, desde los recursos naturales hasta los sociales. Sedientos de identidad ante una clara falta de ella y dispuestos a lo que sea para obtener lo que sea que creamos que nos hará mas felices alcanzar - no importa el costo...

Yo soy de las personas que quiere y va a hacer que eso cambie...